WhatsApp Unveils New Fun Features: Selfie Stickers, Quick Reactions, and More!

Whatsapp Unveils New Fun Features Selfie Stickers Quick Reactions And More

Meta-owned popular messaging app, WhatsApp has introduced several new features and design enhancements to enrich user interactions and personalization within the app. These updates aim to make messaging more engaging and creative.

Camera Effects

It is now possible to apply one of the 30 backgrounds, filters, or effects to the photos and videos before sharing them in chats. This option was previously only available for video calls but now is implemented for all media shared within the conversation.

Selfie Stickers

An added feature gives the users the ability to capture images and turn them into stickers. One extension currently being featured is the “create sticker”  button which when chosen allows the user to take a selfie and create stickers out of that picture which may be shared among friends. Currently, this feature is available on Android devices, with iOS support expected soon.

Sticker Pack Sharing

WhatsApp has made it easier for one to send out sticker packs to other people. What’s new is the ability to send full sticker packs to specific chats, which means that friends can use them without having to look for them themselves.

Quicker Reactions

To streamline message reactions, WhatsApp has introduced a quicker method; double-tapping a message to react. A sliding-out panel appears, showcasing the user’s most frequently used emojis. This enhances the speed of responses and creates a more user-friendly experience.

These updates are part of WhatsApp’s ongoing efforts to enhance user experience by providing more creative and personalized ways to communicate.

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