Over a year ago, WhatsApp introduced Channels. Using this one-way broadcasting method, individuals with a respectable following can inform their fans and subscribers of any new information. Although it was originally promoted as a tool exclusive to celebrities and major corporations to communicate with their fans, anybody may create a channel on WhatsApp. Traditional methods of channel sharing, like URLs, are already available to users, but more sophisticated choices, like QR codes, are not yet available. However, that may soon alter.
According to WABetaInfo, the QR code generator for channels is now available to beta testers with version of the Android version of WhatsApp beta. It should be noted that this feature was not widely available to beta testers a month ago, even though it was detected in v2.24.22.20 beta.
Feature Rollout Expected Soon
Despite the use of the latest WhatsApp beta version (v2.24.25.12), users are unable to generate QR codes that can be shared by others. However, with nearly a month of development, this feature is likely to be included in WhatsApp’s stable release soon. WABetaInfo has reported finding signs of this feature in the iOS beta version, and it is expected to become available to a wider audience, though the exact timing remains uncertain.
One of the main goals of the most recent WhatsApp beta upgrades was to make sharing media easier. In a recent WhatsApp beta, the Camera shortcut was replaced with a brand-new Gallery option in the chat’s text box. Soon after, another beta version of the chat app was released, with a significantly updated implementation that included both the Gallery and Camera shortcuts.
In terms of WhatsApp’s stable version, Lists were introduced this month to assist users in uncluttering their conversations with preset and custom filters. In other news, the Meta-owned messaging service WhatsApp had a relatively busy November 2024, launching voice transcriptions after a long wait.