WhatsApp has introduced a new feature for iOS users aimed at improving the in-app calling experience. The latest update, available in version 25.1.8 on the App Store, introduces a telephone dialler feature that enables users to input phone numbers directly within WhatsApp and subsequently save them to their contact list without the need to transition to an alternative application.
This enhancement facilitates initiating conversations and managing contacts, ensuring a seamless user experience. This feature is being progressively deployed to iOS users, signifying an additional advancement in WhatsApp’s initiatives to enhance communication and convenience.
The phone dialler enables users to incorporate the input number into their contact list without exiting the application. The revised calling pane now features an additional view that incorporates three practical alternatives. These shortcuts facilitate users in promptly initiating a new call, generating a call link, or explicitly inputting a phone number, regardless of whether it is saved in their contacts.
To utilize this feature, users may select the “Create a new call” icon located within the calls pane. Upon selecting this icon, an option labeled “Call a Number” is presented, directing the user to a dialing interface equipped with a dial pad. Users have the capability to input a phone number, after which WhatsApp will verify whether it is associated with a registered user on the platform.
If the number is associated with a WhatsApp account, the app will indicate this with a confirmation message. However, if the number is associated with a verified business account, a verification badge will be prominently displayed.
This new feature also provides users with the ability to instantly check whether the phone number they’re dialing is associated with a WhatsApp account.
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