According to reports, Vivo will launch a new smartphone sub-brand next year named Jovi. Reportedly, it was found in a database alongside three other products that are set to launch under its brand. But they might not be brand-new phones; instead, they might be renamed versions of Vivo smartphones that are already out there. Notably, the Vivo Y300 is set to be launched in the country on December 16 by the Chinese smartphone maker.
Vivo’s Upcoming Sub-Brand Jovi
The sub-brand was found in the GSMA database, according to a SmartPrix report. Additionally, it suggests the release of three devices: the Jovi V50, the Jovi V50 Lite 5G, and the Jovi Y39 5G. V2427, V2440, and V2444 are the model numbers of the various handsets. It is said that the first two are the same as the Vivo V50 and Vivo V50 Lite 5G smartphones.
The aforementioned devices are thought to target the mid-range and cheap 5G smartphone markets, particularly in areas where the technology is widely used. According to the article, the Chinese smartphone manufacturer might use its sub-brand to appeal to younger audiences or focus on artificial intelligence and other niche developments.
Notably, Vivo shares a parent company with OnePlus, Oppo, imoo, iQOO, and Realme—the BBK Electronics Corporation. Xiaomi has two sub-brands in China, Redmi and Poco. With the rumored launch of Jovi, it will apparently try to strengthen its position against Xiaomi.
The GSMA database registration of smartphone models is said to be an initial step, but it doesn’t ensure the brand or devices will be launched in the market. Until the corporation makes an official announcement, it would be wise to treat this development carefully.