With its first update of the year, Telegram has unveiled exciting new features to enhance user experience. The platform now supports third-party-powered account verification, offering a streamlined way to confirm identities. Additionally, Telegram has introduced advanced message filters, making it easier than ever to search and organize chats. Another standout feature is the option to convert gifts into NFTs, blending creativity with utility for users.
Telegram now allows verified third-party authorities, such as educational organizations or quality assurance agencies, to validate user accounts. This initiative adds to the existing verification program for prominent individuals and organizations.
Telegram has introduced new search criteria for private chats, group chats, and channels. These filters make it easier to find messages and improve chat organization.
Additionally, a fun feature has been added: users can now use emoji reactions for service notifications, such as when someone joins a group.
Telegram now lets users turn gifts into NFTs, combining personalization with blockchain technology:
Telegram continues to expand its cryptocurrency capabilities:
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