TechJuice > Women in Tech > Page 3
Despite having a booming economy and a fast-growing startup ecosystem, India is a pretty bleak place for women entrepreneurs. In a recent study released under…
We have seen several women entrepreneurs emerged from the Pakistani tech community in the past few years. This might be accredited to the recent boom…
Stories beyond the border is a TechJuice’s exclusive feature in which we will be interviewing and getting insights from some of the exceptional Pakistanis from…
TechJuice was in conversation with Amy Scerra – Co-founder and COO at Think Global Institute. TGI comprises of a small team who work with women…
In a conversation with a friend about women in business the focus remained on why business is still difficult for women. The highlight of which…
Never underestimate the power of a woman because someone who after God has the capability to bring a life on Earth definitely has the strength…