An AI pioneer and ex-Google employee, Geoffrey Hinton, warns of technology dangers and use of AI. Geoffrey Hinton, the famous ‘Godfather of AI’ that he,…
Companies must strictly check and prepare the rules with necessary cyber defence measures. Only some companies have their GPT; therefore, strict monitoring is essential in…
Will teachers soon be replaced by artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence can complete homework and assignments and produce quality content. During the ASU+GSV event in San…
Since its launch, chatGPT has taken the world to the next level. Technology development grows slower than chatGPT. The world suddenly has become aware of…
ChatGPT, text-based artificial intelligence model created by OpenAI, has become famous almost in every field. According to the analysis, it attracted one million users just…
ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. Every company, even every sector, is using chatGPT to boost the productivity and capability of employees. Since its…
Alibaba, an e-commerce giant, has launched its chatbot Tongyi Qianwen to facilitate its customers. The company aims to enable its customers to build customised large…