
Google bans cryptocurrency mining apps on Play Store

Google has recently updated its policy and banned several apps including cryptocurrency mining apps on Google Play Store. On...

Jul 27 · >

Facebook & Twitter introduce new ad transparency tools

Facebook and Twitter have announced some big changes in order to ensure advertisement transparency on their respective platforms. Facebook...

Jul 2 · >

Google launches new ad settings page to personalize your ads

Google has introduced a new ad setting page that will allow users to personalize the ads that target them...

Jun 21 · >

3 more companies are suing Google, Facebook for banning crypto ads

Facebook, Google, and Twitter, the renowned tech giants have all banned cryptocurrency and ICO ads and what makes you...

Apr 9 · >

Facebook will run only verified political ads in upcoming elections of Pakistan

The CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg gave another official announcement that Facebook will require all political ads on its...

Apr 7 · >

Apple’s newly released funny ad for iPhone X also highlights an iOS 11 bug

What can you do when even fate is against you? Apple recently released a new commercial for promoting its...

in Mobile
Mar 19 · >

Twitter to ban many cryptocurrency and ICOs ads in next two weeks, report

Just over a week ago, Twitter started crackdown against crypto scammers, where the company started deleting fake accounts from...

Mar 19 · >

Google to ban all cryptocurrency and ICO ads

Back in January, Facebook banned advertisements of cryptocurrencies and ICOs from all crypto exchanges, afterward Twitter started crackdown against...

Mar 14 · >

Twitter starts crackdown against crypto scammers

Looks like social network giants have started embracing the impact of cryptocurrencies on their platforms. Earlier this year, Facebook...

Mar 9 · >

Google Chrome starts blocking annoying ads from websites

Google has had enough of those “annoying” advertisements. Google Chrome, the widely used internet browser of the tech giant...

Feb 15 · >

Google crossed $100 billion mark in revenue in 2017

Google records its first $100 billion in a year. Google is huge, as it pulls a lot of money...

Feb 2 · >

Chrome will start blocking obtrusive ads in Feb, Google ads too

Earlier this year, we told our readers that soon Google Chrome browser will start blocking ads on its own...

Dec 23 · >