Till now many rumors and leaks have appeared on social media reporting about specifications and design of Samsung’s upcoming flagship Galaxy Note 8. This time too, a leak has appeared and claimed that Note 8 will feature dual rear cameras. If the leaked news is correct then it means Note 8 will be the first one to get dual rear cameras in all of Samsung flagships. Moreover, the leak confirms that Samsung Galaxy Note 8 will house a rear fingerprint sensor.
According to the leak, the phone will also feature a 3x optical zoom, allowing users to capture faraway objects. It is rumored that Samsung is making its camera so powerful that users could actually capture photographs and videos in less or no light.
Just recently an image of Note 8 has been leaked, which shows that the phone will ship with Infinity display. The phone is set to launch on 23 August 2017.
It is also rumored that Samsung’s new flagship will come with a 64GB built-in storage with wireless charging option. It might be powered by Exynos 8895 chipset. The leaks also suggest that Note 8 might get a Bixby button and a volume rocker on one of its side.
Read also: Samsung might have just revealed the Note 8
The rumored specifications list of Galaxy Note 8:
Apart from the Note 8 leaks, the company is planning to launch Galaxy S8 Active in the near future. The phone sports a 4,000 mAh battery and will come in two different colors, Meteor Gray and Titanium Gold.
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