In an unusual incident, several SadaPay users recently received an email from the fintech company informing them that their account funds had been processed. The email assured users that their funds would soon be transferred to their designated bank accounts.
The message, titled “Apkay SadaPay funds process hogaye hain!” (Your SadaPay funds have been processed), raised eyebrows among users, many of whom did not have any ongoing transactions.
Hours later, SadaPay followed up with another email acknowledging the mistake. The company explained that the previous email was sent due to a technical glitch in their system. “We apologize for the recent email you received… No worries, everything is A-OK with your account!” the follow-up email reassured users.
Earlier to this, Meezan Bank faced concerns over unauthorized debit card transactions, which it attributed to third-party platform vulnerabilities rather than a breach of its systems. The bank reimbursed affected customers and emphasized the need for vigilance when sharing sensitive information online.