Apple is preparing to launch the third-generation Apple Watch SE. It is an affordable smartwatch first introduced in 2020 and updated in 2022. This new version, expected later this year, may feature a redesigned look.
Rumors suggest that the updated Watch SE will have a plastic shell instead of the traditional aluminum, giving it a contemporary style. This design change could make it even more attractive as an entry-level wearable. Although the exact specifications are still unknown, it’s hinted that the new SE will be available in more color options.
Apple Watch Updates: Series 11 and Ultra 3
In addition to the SE, Apple is likely to unveil the Apple Watch Series 11, which will succeed the Watch Ultra 2 which was released in 2023, and the Watch Series 10, which was released in 2024. Predictions indicate that Apple will concentrate on major functional improvements for these flagship models, even though their designs will be mostly unchanged from previous iterations.
According to rumours, the upcoming Apple Watch Ultra would have satellite connectivity as well as support for the 5G RedCap network, a simplified form of the standard 5G network. As a huge improvement over previous generations of health trackers, the Series 11 and Ultra 3 will reportedly be able to detect hypertension.
Apple is reportedly improving its health app, creating an AI teaching service, and adding new features to AirPods, along with new smartwatches. All of these changes show that Apple is still very much committed to making its ecosystem more health-conscious.
Expected Launch Dates
Along with the iPhone 17 series, new Apple Watch models are anticipated to be launched in September 2025. Apple fans are getting very excited about the upcoming third-generation Watch SE and can’t wait for further information about its design and functions. They’re also looking forward to the newest advancements in the Series 11 and Ultra 3 models.