News, Startups

RepStack Is Hiring Pakistanis For Top US Digital Agencies

Written by Usman Aslam ·  1 min read >

The unemployment rate has had no recent decrease despite the introduction of new roles in the IT sector. In addition to this, the coronavirus pandemic has forced numerous companies to switch to digital tools hence further increasing the unemployment rate and eliminating certain job roles in companies due to the switch to remote work. This adverse effect has reached Pakistan, as well as numerous workers, have either lost their jobs or unable to find a job.

In a nutshell, our computer systems have become our office and the way of working from home has made this the new normal for office works as people actually prefer work-from-home over the conventional scenario. Though this concept may be great, it still hampers the economy of the country which the country is trying to recover from through remote work. What makes remote work so great is the concept of flexibility, perks, and growth without the need of travelling miles to another location.

As remote work continues on, new-age recruiters have come about in the industry who connect potential local HR to employers all over the globe. RepStack is one of the companies which is following that trend i.e. selecting virtual account managers, sales experts, and marketing assistants from Pakistan for the top digital agencies residing in the U.S.

RepStack, which started in September 2020, solely focuses on accelerating remote work for young individuals by offering young Pakistanis, who have the potential to grow and learn, opportunities to work for one of the best digital marketing agencies. The company currently resides in Wilmington, Delaware where it works endlessly to fill the employment gaps.

According to Azhar Siddiqui, CEO of RepStack:
“We know that the Pakistani job market has been struggling for some time and even the candidates with the right skills and qualifications have a hard time finding a job that they truly deserve. We’re effectively filling these gaps by connecting them with an overseas employer where their skills are best utilized and their chances of growth are maximized.”

The company currently has over 100+ employees where 52 percent of them are aged between 18-24, 41 percent are aged between 25-35, and 5 percent are of the ages 35 and 44. Moreover, the company has a good balanced male-female ratio i.e. 49 and 47 percent respectively. You can know more about RepStack by clicking here.

Written by Usman Aslam
A tech enthusiast, writer, researcher and strategist working on the latest technologies and making an impact. Usman has been heavily focused on building communities, empowering people through technological trends and advancements for over 3+ years including many notable names such as IEEE Region 10, TEDx, Google Developers, United Nations Programmes, Microsoft Partner Program and much more. Reach out: [email protected] Profile

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