Gaming, News

Pakistani Indie game developer releases a stunning trailer of their upcoming game ‘Lost Twins 2’

Written by Usman Aslam ·  52 sec read >

Playdew, a Pakistani indie developer,  has officially released the first trailer for their puzzle platformer: ‘Lost Twins 2’. The promo featured the gameplay along with the website and Steam page announcement.

Earlier this year, the game was a finalist at the Big Indie Pitch (runners-up)  and is now nominated for best puzzle game by TIGA. It’s set to drop in 2022 and anyone interested can Wishlist it now.

In a nutshell, ‘Lost Twins 2’ follows the journey of Abi and Ben through a fantastical world filled with puzzles that combine a unique sliding blocks mechanic with classic platforming. The puzzles are designed to be fresh with lots of variety and no repetition.

You can check out the trailer below:

Inspired by Miyazaki, the game’s art style is dreamlike with charming characters and fluid animation.

“Each frame is crafted meticulously with pride―specific lighting techniques, thoughtful composition, and immense attention to detail mean that every single moment you spend playing ‘Lost Twins 2’ will be a feast for the eyes,” said Mehran Khan, Art Director for ‘Lost Twins 2’.

“The puzzles in ‘Lost Twins 2’ are painstakingly designed, with elegant solutions that will make you feel like a genius,” said Fawad Asghar, Lead Developer & Designer.

The Playdew team claims that the goal with this project was to delight gamers with an experience based on discovery, tinkering, and exploration―not on conflict and threat.

For early access, you can wishlist now on Steam.

Written by Usman Aslam
A tech enthusiast, writer, researcher and strategist working on the latest technologies and making an impact. Usman has been heavily focused on building communities, empowering people through technological trends and advancements for over 3+ years including many notable names such as IEEE Region 10, TEDx, Google Developers, United Nations Programmes, Microsoft Partner Program and much more. Reach out: [email protected] Profile