Khanewal: A disturbing incident has surfaced at the Khanewal branch of the popular fashion brand Limelight, where the store’s manager was caught recording inappropriate videos of women in the trial room. Limelight, a renowned Pakistani fashion brand established in 2010, is recognized for its high-quality and trendy products.
During the police investigation, a large amount of inappropriate material was found on the suspect’s mobile phone. Following the investigation, an FIR was registered against the manager under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA), and he was arrested.
Subsequently the police investigation, the suspect was found with thousands of images of abuse on his mobile phone. After the inquiry, an FIR was lodged under the PECA act against the manager and he was arrested.
The investigation is ongoing, and the police have begun questioning other members of the branch’s management. The incident has raised concerns about women’s safety in shopping stores.
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