
Korean govt donates $500K for boosting corona response efforts in Pakistan

Written by Hamza Zakir ·  57 sec read >

The Government of Korea has provided a helping hand to Pakistan during these tough times by providing in-kind assistance worth $500,000 to the World Health Organization (WHO) for strengthening the response to the second wave of coronavirus in Pakistan.
Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, Kwak Sung-kyu handed over the donation to WHO Representative in Pakistan, Dr Palitha Mahipala.

The handing-over ceremony took place at the WHO Country Office here on Thursday, according to a press release. The Korean donation included Real-time PCR Kits, IgG/IgM Standard COVID-19 kits and Face Masks to support corona response efforts in the country.

This generous contribution from Korea will be of immense help to WHO in its plans to construct immediate and rapid response mechanisms and accelerate its efforts to boost the COVID-19 preparedness and response plan of the Pakistani government.

The Republic of Korea has always been supportive of the WHO’s mission to aid response and relief efforts in humanitarian emergencies and disasters in Pakistan. Back in April 2020, it provided similar in-kind assistance of $300,000 to the global health organization to control the spread of coronavirus in Pakistan.

Thanks to the support provided by the Korean government and other partners, WHO has been able to assist the Government of Pakistan on COVID-19 surveillance, points of entry, lab diagnosis, epidemiological analysis, IPC and case management, and community mobilization and sensitization.

According to WHO Pakistan representative Dr. Mahipala, the support from the Republic of Korea is greatly appreciated during these crucial times.

WHO Pakistan highly appreciates and admires this unprecedented support from the Republic of Korea to overcome the COVID-19 situation in Pakistan,” he said.

Written by Hamza Zakir
Platonist. Humanist. Unusually edgy sometimes. Profile

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