
IT association P@sha releases IT survey salary report 2017

Written by Ali Leghari ·  1 min read >

Pakistan Software Houses Association for IT & ITES commonly known as P@sha has released its IT survey salary report 2017. According to the survey report, there has been an overall increment of 16.37% in salaries in 2017 when compared to the preceding year.

The highest paid Job in IT sector is the CEO of IT company which now earns PKR 520,650. While on the other hand Entry Level Game Designer has received highest increase in salary this year witnessing a growth of 38.52%. Moreover, other job position such as Senior BPO Professional witnessed 3.31% growth and increase in salary.

The tech companies and sector in the country are progressing in a right way and now even the government of the country is acknowledging its growing importance as well as how important IT is for the country and to boost IT sector and industry in the country; the government has privileged this sector in the 2017-18 budget. The Government of the Pakistan has announced tax breaks for IT companies. Technology companies and start-ups will also be exempted from sales tax for the first three years of their establishment.

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The Government of the Pakistan has announced tax breaks for IT companies. Technology companies and start-ups will also be exempted from sales tax for the first three years of their establishment.

Information technology and ITES industry employees almost 120 thousand people in form of direct employment and caters almost 50 thousand more people in form of indirect employment.

P@sha has been conducting IT surveys since 2008, providing changes in salaries of IT professionals to countrymen.

Jehan Ara, President P@SHA, said “The IT & ITES industry of Pakistan is now being recognized by our government as the leading sector capable of pushing economic growth. The economic dependency is shifting from an agrarian and industrial economy to a knowledge-based economy.

P@sha has conducted the 2017 IT salary survey by analyzing 130 companies across Pakistan and has compiled data of 31,801 employees.

About P@SHA

Pakistan Software Houses Association for IT & ITES (P@SHA), is the trade association representing the Pakistan IT & ITES sector. P@SHA is associated with & recognized by institutions such as the World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA), ASOCIO (Asian Oceanic Computing Industry Organization) and APICTA (Asia Pacific ICT Alliance). With over 450 member companies nationwide, P@SHA has been the voice of the industry, advocating policy initiatives and working towards creating a high growth sustainable business environment for the tech sector in the country.

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