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Facebook wants Mobile App Startups to apply in their FbStart program

Written by Maryam Dodhy ·  1 min read >
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Facebook is a force to be reckoned with in the international tech industry. After having grabbed that status, Facebook is all for helping young, struggling businesses. In accordance with that they are calling new mobile app startups to apply in their FbStart program.

FbStart was launched by Facebook as a side program in 2014. It is solely focused on helping mobile app startups accelerate their growth. Entry into this program provides startups with a robot set of free tools, valuing up to $80,000, tailored according to the needs of their startup. This comes with step-by-step guidance. Selected startups become a part of the Facebook community of mentors and startup founders giving them access to a network of people that can give them expert opinions.

Facebook doesn’t care where you’re from as long as you fulfill their simple criteria. In order to be eligible to apply you have to belong to any of the following tracks:

  • Pre-launch track: Developers that have not yet launched an app but intend to launch one within the next year and are associated with one of our venture capital, accelerator, or incubator partners
  • Bootstrap track: Any developer who’s launched a quality, working mobile app in the Apple or Google Play app stores
  • Accelerate tracks: Any developer who’s launched a working mobile app in the Apple or Google Play app stores and has seen a sustained level of growth in their target markets

FbStart is really good platform to help you accelerate the growth of your app, not just in terms of development but also to find the right audience. The application process is free of charge and nor is Facebook looking for any equity in your startup. Apply here.

Written by Maryam Dodhy
I love bringing to light stories of extraordinary people working in Pakistan's tech and startup industry. You can reach out to me through [email protected]. Profile