ETakeway Acquires Urbanite – Pakistani Food Ordering Service


E-Commerce is rising in Pakistan and recently we’ve seen a surge in the number of e-business startups that look very promising. The evidence to that is the latest business acquisition made by a European company who aspires to ground in Asia in hopes of expanding their business outside Europe.

E-Takeaway, the Denmark based online food delivery service decided to foot in Pakistan first by acquiring a renowned food delivery service startup A quick overview on Urbanite, online food delivery is that they’re already running 100 plus restaurants and apparently leading in Karachi.

However, a Danish spokesperson, Michael Moreywitsh from E-Takeaway said that the startup needs a boost to increase their progress rates. So, the company plans to facilitate new food items like cakes and ice creams and ultimately attracting greater number of consumers. What inspired them to make business liaisons with Pakistani startup Urbanite is its integrating business infrastructure of food and technology.

Currently the Danish company is operating its business across five more countries and this is their first time-first move to penetrate in Asia through Pakistan for business. As far as the acquisition part is concerned, we perceive it probable to fortify the economy on the whole if get-on on right directions.

Generally, the small business acquisitions made by any firm depends on the credibility of the startup. For this reason E-takeaway decided to build on thriving startup like Urbanite. Since we know a number of other e-services for food delivery, which are way prominent than Urbanite that could be acquired easily if their goal was to raise the profit margin.

Many such acquisitions are constantly being made in business world; out of which some results in enormous success while others encounter failure. We wait to see the outcome of this novel-spicy deal.

Meanwhile, you can share your views in the comments section below.

Source: TechinAsia

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