Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has launched a comprehensive package to support students, which includes 50,000 scholarships, 100,000 free electric bikes, and interest-free loans. The initiative aims to empower the youth by enhancing access to education and technology.
Speaking at a scholarship distribution ceremony at Bahauddin Zakaria University, the Chief Minister emphasized the provincial government’s dedication to merit-based opportunities for students.
“All scholarships will be awarded purely on merit, without any political distinctions,” she said, emphasizing that education is the cornerstone of progress.
Merit-Based Scholarships and Interest-free Loans
Maryam Nawaz announced that next year, scholarships will be expanded to benefit 50,000 students, along with plans to introduce international scholarships. For those admitted to private or public institutions, she pledged to cover full tuition fees.
Maryam Nawaz has also unveiled a new initiative, providing an interest-free loan scheme that allows students to access up to Rs 30 million for their startups and businesses. “This initiative aims to foster entrepreneurship among the youth, enabling them to secure their futures,” she said.
The Chief Minister emphasized environmental issues, announcing that 30,000 electric bikes have been distributed so far, with plans to offer 100,000 free bikes in the coming year. “This initiative not only benefits students but also aligns with efforts to reduce air pollution,” she shared, disclosing that talks are in progress with a Chinese company to set up an e-bike manufacturing unit in Punjab.
Maryam Nawaz emphasized the need for a stronger focus on education in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, and science and technology. “We aim to equip students with the tools needed for a secure future in a rapidly changing world,” she said.