WhatsApp Web, the desktop version of the popular messaging app, is reportedly working on a new feature to enhance user support. The feature, called ‘Chat with Us,’ will allow users to contact the support team directly through the Help section. This functionality is expected to be introduced in a future update. Additionally, there are reports of the platform exploring AI-driven solutions to assist Android users with their queries.
Instant Support on WhatsApp
According to WABetaInfo, a feature tracker, the new ‘Chat with us‘ option will be available to testers on WhatsApp web client version 2.3000.1019086198 (or newer). At some point after its release, it will likely replace the current Contact Us option in the instant messaging app’s Help section.
Users can quickly get in touch with WhatsApp help through the “Chat with us” feature. The feature tracker states that customers will receive a notification about WhatsApp support coming back to them soon when they interact with this option. While customers may anticipate seeing some automated or AI-generated responses at first, they will also have the opportunity to escalate their issue and speak with a real person.
The current WhatsApp support method reportedly needs users to fill out specific information and go through frequently asked questions (FAQs) before they are patched through to the official support team. The first release of this functionality is expected to enhance that process.
Unfortunately, not even WhatsApp Web beta testers have access to the Chat with Us feature, according to WABetaInfo.
AI-Generated Responses
There were rumours in October that WhatsApp for Android was working on a new feature that would allow users to get answers to their questions generated via artificial intelligence. The WhatsApp for Android app, as discovered by WABetaInfo in version, supposedly uses a “secure AI service from Meta” to render responses. The feature is still in the works, but it’s thought to enhance user interactions and reduce support times.