Social Media

WhatsApp, the most widely used messaging service around the world is planning to curtail spammy content. WhatsApp is not quite popular for updating its app,…

Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerburg recently announced that Facebook is making big changes in its news feed by making it more focused on the posts of…

Facebook, the most widely used social network with its 2 billion users is planning to change its news feed. To counter the challenges that it…

The most widely used social network, Facebook is testing a new feature in its platform. Facebook aims to make it easier for people to find…

Yes, this happens when billions of users start sending new year wishes to each other, but we are not sure that this is the reason…

WhatsApp had earlier announced that it will be discontinuing support for a significant lot of devices and OS in the coming times. Keeping its announcement…

Five bloggers who were accused of posting blasphemous content on social media went missing at the start of this year. The individuals, who took to…

Two American researchers claim that taking excessive selfies might be a mental health disorder. Researchers published a report on November 29, in the International Journal…

Facebook, the most influencing social network in our lives has always been providing the amazing new features to astonish its users. Recently, the tech giant…

Twitter has recently announced that it will start enforcing new rules to restrict hateful and abusive content on its platform. The rules that were focused…

Last year, WhatsApp made an addition to its terms of service. This addition stated that WhatsApp will be sharing user data with its parent company,…

Facebook has taken action to reduce the number of posts that use engagement bait. According to a blog post by Facebook, people have repeatedly expressed…

Facebook has announced the Government Data request report for first part of the year 2017 from January to June. The report shows various requests from…