
Bank Alfalah and MasterCard have entered into an agreement that could help change the way Pakistani consumers conduct online shopping. The companies are bringing MasterCard…

Invest2Innovate (i2i) in collaboration with WeCreate Pakistan is organizing a local pitching event by the name of “Get Slush’d” for impact-based startups. The event will…

The Government of Punjab, as a part of their Open Data Strategy, has launched a system for smart monitoring of all public schools in this…

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) plans to set up 5 new universities and 36 campuses across Pakistan in the next 3 years. Additionally, the education…

Convo, a real-time collaboration service, revamped and redesigned its web application from ground up with new features, efficient controls, and improved interface. Moreover, Convo has…

Hasan Ijaz, an Electrical Engineer based in Islamabad, has launched an IndieGogo campaign for Pakistan’s first Massive Open Online Course. The course will be available…

Last night, a 220 KV transmission line suffered a major technical fault at the national grid resulting in a black out at several regions in…

Google’s famed material design was well-received in 2014, what started off on Android phones through the 5.0 update codenamed Lollipop, soon became widespread to apps…

Gmail has been going through a great many transitions lately. With the recent introduction of Inbox being available without an invitation and Gmail Shelfie is…

Buying legitimate games in Pakistan is a big issue for console gamers since many are not able to pay ~Rs. 6000 for a single game,…

Android One is an active initiative by Google that has been going between lesser technologically countries in order to encourage the growth of smartphones. This…

In 2010, Senators John Kerry and Richard Lugar tried to pass “Kerry-Lugar” bill through congress – a $1.5 Billion financial aid package meant to aid…

The Government has imposed yet another tax, but the new tax isn’t targeted towards the IT sector but the education sector. The government has issued…