Inspector General of Police Punjab Aamir Zulfiqar Khan recently directed the department to use modern policing, especially the provision of services to citizens, and the use of modern technology in crime control is the need of time. He directed that effective utilization of information technology should be ensured so that the citizens do not have to go around the offices repeatedly for their issues and police-related matters should be resolved through the latest IT Applications with a single click. The district police of Bahawalpur has adopted the directions from the IG and have started to register people engaged in informal work through smart policing and an online system.
According to a Bahawalpur police spokesman, the district police have been utilizing modern information technology software programs and devices to register employees and data of different private organizations and institutions.
He said that the district police had registered more than 300 employees of private institutions. The spokesman urged the citizens to get their informal workers registered with police who had been working at their houses, shops, or industrial units.
In the same meeting, Aamir Zulfiqar Khan said that all the applications of the Punjab Police, which have various services launched for the citizens, should be integrated into one App and this App should also be upgraded in light of the feedback received from the citizens.
IG Punjab reiterated that Police Khidmat Markaz is an excellent project and its efficiency should be further enhanced with effective supervision whereas full support and guidance should be provided to the citizens who contact the police through WhatsApp.
Aamir Zulfiqar Khan emphasized focus on the Complaint Management System to ensure the timely resolution of every complaint received by the citizens. He issued these instructions today while presiding over a meeting on IT projects at the Central Police Office.
During the meeting, DIG IT Ahsan Younis while giving a briefing about Public Service Delivery projects said that internal police work is being upgraded with modern IT applications and software. DIG IT further said that at present there are 129 Khidmat Marakiz (service centers), 171 Service Counters, and 37 police service vans engaged in providing services to the citizens and millions of citizens are taking benefits every year.
He said that the Khidmat Markaz Global Portal is providing overseas Pakistanis with Character Certificates, National Status Verification, and other facilities whereas modern software is also being developed for fast-track workings of the police station. IG Punjab appreciated the IT reforms and instructed them to widen their scope. DIG Ahsan Younis and related staff officers of the IT branch were present at the meeting.
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