In an unprecedented move, a group of South Korean academics developed an LLM trained exclusively on information from the dark...

Lockbit, a Russian-linked ransomware group has recently claimed a cyber attack on Indian pharmaceutical giant Granules India, and published portions...

Smartphone have become a necessity these days. Everyone wants to keep a high-tech advanced phone embedded with all the advance...

National Freelance Training Program is a training program initiated by the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication (MoITT). The program...

Google’s new AI shopping Feature enables you to try clothes before purchasing it. Now you can check differnet styles,colors and...

Indeed, earning money is not an easy task and facing the boss and hectic time schedule makes it more difficult....

As soon as the Fed ended its more than year long diet of interest rate, Ether declined more than 3%...

Google a biggest search engine has announced a wonderful opportunity for smart Pakistanis desperate to learn Digital skills by opening...

Islamabad: Jack Dorsey, former CEO and Twitter’s Co-founder states that India despite beings the world’s largest democracy, had threatens to...

Extracting carbon dioxide from the air is indeed a big challenge. Since commercial drivers began using them to supplement their...

ChatGPT and other AI tools have taken the world to the next level. Since its launch it has become very...

At a start of a week in May, the US stock market took a sudden turn. A picture of an...

On Monday, Pakistan’s Petroleum Minister revealed that the South Asian nation paid for its first government-to-government import of discounted Russian...