The highly acclaimed film and television actor Bilal Abbas Khan, currently garnering fame for his unconventional role in ‘PyarKeSadqay,’ and...

A top-tier smartphone brand, TECNO is back again with another exciting round of online lucky draw activity, “Double Your Happiness”...

You’ve undoubtedly experienced the annoyance of coming across a dazzling night scene, only to find that your camera can’t recreate...

Emirates will operate a special flight between Dubai and Islamabad on 21 May to facilitate the repatriation of Pakistani citizens...

To upscale the pace of digital transactions and provide convenience, UPaisa has further facilitated its customers by completely removing the...

Jazz, Pakistan’s leading digital company, has deposited a total of PKR 20 million to the Prime Minister’s COVID-19 Relief Fund...

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL),concluded a massive nationwide drive to support underserved communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic during the...

Brandverse, Pakistan’s largest, fastest and most automated production studio for ecommerce product content has signed a long-term partnership agreement with...

Ufone brings Pakistan pride by winning Two Golds in Global Eventex Awards for its Ufone Balochistan Football Cup 2019. Amongst...

TECNO Mobile’s Ramadan campaign, “Double Your Happiness” worth Rs. 100 Million Discount Offers would finally be going LIVE today from...

In line with its CSR vision, PTCL has sponsored Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) 120-beds Corona Care Hospital on 6th...

The world’s most important freestyle football tournament will not only go on in 2020 – it will be more inclusive...

TCL, Pakistan’s No.1 LED TV brand rolls out another promotion to deliver its customers the greatest online shopping experience this...