
Apple removes massive apps in fear of malware attack

Written by Fahim Zapoh ·  34 sec read >

Apple, in order to clean the app store from malicious applications, has removed a massive number for iPhone and iPad applications from its official application store.

Apple has already removed 300 applications which contained malware as a result of using counterfeited version of the development tool xCode.

A lot of affected apps had to be removed from the Apple App Store in the aftermath of today’s unprecedented malware attack. XCodeGhost, a malicious program was embedded in hundreds of legitimate apps after duping app developers in using a fake, counterfeit version of the app development tool XCode.

Experts say that it is “a pretty big deal” because it shows that Apple’s strict filtering process is not, after all, fool-proof. Ryan Olson, director of threat intelligence at Palo Alto Networks, thinks that other hackers may also start to target app developers after today’s successful breach.

Apple is yet to officially respond to the damage done because of this attack.

Source: Reuters