Gaming, News

Activision reduces Call of Duty file sizes allowing you to download more games

Written by Usman Aslam ·  52 sec read >

The recent Call of Duty games have been well known for their tremendous file sizes, but now Activision is finally doing something about it so that users no longer have to complain about having their hard drives filled up.

Moreover, the company announced that both Modern Warfare and the free-to-play Warzone will be much easier on hard drives. However, it is to be noted that the amount of storage used is dependent on what platform you would be playing the games on but they’ll be 30GB if they are the full versions.

The update is set to be released on March 30th, but while it may be easier on your hard drive, downloading it won’t be easy on your internet connection. Activision says the one-time Season Two Reloaded update will be larger than usual. The good news is that future updates shouldn’t be as big, but you will want to mind your data caps.

These space savings come from file optimizations and ‘streamlining content packs.’ It’s also worth noting that individual content packs can be removed, getting rid of game modes you don’t play. For example, you can uninstall single-player and Special Ops if you only fire up Call of Duty to play with friends.

Below you can see, which game takes up how much storage for what console:

Platform Warzone Only Warzone + Modern Warfare
PlayStation 4/5 10.9GB 30.6GB
Xbox Series/One 14.2GB 33.6GB
PC 11.8GB 30.6GB

Source: The Verge

Written by Usman Aslam
A tech enthusiast, writer, researcher and strategist working on the latest technologies and making an impact. Usman has been heavily focused on building communities, empowering people through technological trends and advancements for over 3+ years including many notable names such as IEEE Region 10, TEDx, Google Developers, United Nations Programmes, Microsoft Partner Program and much more. Reach out: [email protected] Profile

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