News, Technology

A Camera Without Lens: AI Tool Generates Images Using Location Data and AI

Written by Abdullah Shahid ·  1 min read >
Created by artist Bjørn Karmann, Paragraphica is a futuristic AI camera that takes in location data, time of the day, and weather in order to turn it into an image

Imagine capturing photos without a camera, sounds weird right? Well, thanks to AI, it is now very much possible. Born in the Netherlands, artist Bjørn Karmann has created a futuristic AI camera that takes in location data, time and weather as input and gives out pictures that look as if they had been captured by a photographer at exactly the described location and time.

Example prompts show the camera generating a text: “midday photo taken at the Cliffordstraat, Amsterdam, the weather is partly cloudy and 18 degrees. The date is Wednesday 24th May, 2023. Nearby there is a parking and a yoga studio”.

The AI camera, which has somewhat of an unusual look, will take this detailed and complex input and deliver an image that nearly matches almost all details of any location where the user generating the image is at.

Named by Karmann as ‘Paragraphica’, this is the world’s first ‘context-to-image’ camera that visualizes images instead of using a lens like regular cameras.

So can I only use the camera if I go and buy a physical model of the Paragraphica? Well, no the AI camera comes as both a physical unit and a virtual camera, although using a physical version of this world’s first AI text based camera would be an experience of its own.

According to the official Paragraphica website, the camera records location data with the help of its open APIs (application programming interfaces) and then combines it alongside other details such as time of the day, address, weather, and places to generate a photo, however before it generates a photo, it generates a small text describing what the photo would look like.

Physical version of the Paragraphica comes with a viewfinder that displays real-time descriptions of the current location, giving the camera a better and more detailed input, therefore once a user clicks the capture button, the camera will generate a photo that matches the input given to it by the viewfinder.


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