
Uber launches a new feature to rate driver during your trip

Written by Aqsa Khunshan ·  53 sec read >

Uber now introduces a feature where you can rate, compliment, tip and share feedback on their ride while it’s still in progress. Previously, the riders couldn’t express their feelings until the trip ended. But, now with this latest update, Commuters will be able to rate their trip in the midway of their trip.

Specifically, Uber plans to take feedback on what “needs improvement” from these mid-trip ratings to further analyze its service and find hidden technical issues that need resolving and fixing. Currently, users are asked to rate their drivers between one and five stars, as well as to choose from a group of pre-selected comments (“good conversation,” “excellent service”), at the end of their trip.

Uber’s Head of Rider Experience, Peter Deng, told:

“Every day 15 million people take a ride on Uber. If you can capture incrementally more and better feedback. We’re going to use that feedback to make the service better.”

The data from the riders’ feedback will be used to classify the drivers as well. Uber, in a blog post, said:

“We’re going to be celebrating the drivers that provide really awesome service.” However, Uber didn’t specify exactly as to how they plan to “celebrate” the drivers.

Last month, Uber introduced a number of passenger safety features to its app, including the ability to alert trusted contacts about your ride. The company also improved its driver app based on feedback it collected from drivers.

The update hasn’t been released in Pakistan yet.

Written by Aqsa Khunshan
I have done Mphil in Biotechnology from Punjab University, Lahore. I love to write about topics that fascinate me; business, startups, health, technology and, women empowerment. I am a foodie, ambivert, and angry anarchist. I have an instinct to learn new things and explore innovative ideas. You can reach out to me at [email protected] Profile

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