
Become a mobile developer by learning these free courses

Written by Shaheryar Ehsan ·  1 min read >
free courses-iphone

A particularly booming sector of technology is mobiles. Steve Jobs led the mobile revolution with the announcement of the iPhone back in 2007 and since then we moved on to the mobile-first world. If you are thinking about a segment in technology where you would like to place your startup, mobile is the best option.

Give below are two free courses which can help you get started on two of the biggest platforms in mobile:

1. Learn Swift in just one day and develop apps for iOS

If you are interested in developing apps for iOS, then this course can help you get started. You will be acquainted with the simple knowledge of programming and the syntax of Swift. You will learn variables, arrays, functions, loops and conditionals which are basically the essential elements of any programming language you will learn. Aside from that, you will also be making a simple for iOS to make sure you have practical experience with the concepts you learned. Register for the course here.

Bonus: Develop an iOS game – Enroll in the course for free!

2. The All in One course for Android app development

This course will not only teach you the fundamentals of creating your first Android app but you will also learn how to launch it in the Play Store. It’s designed and curated with topics which can help you start your career as an Android Developer and it even has topics which will cover interview questions asked by recruiters. It is best for those who don’t have knowledge regarding programming and are looking to start off somewhere. It could even help web developers port their websites to Android. So basically if you have an idea and want to see it in action, this is the place. Register for the course here.

Bonus: How to effectively monetize your app? – Enroll in the course here for free!

Written by Shaheryar Ehsan
Content Team Lead. Blogger, Content Developer, Social Media, and SEO Expert. Reach out: [email protected] Profile