News, Technology

Microsoft announced the next big Windows 10 update: The Fall Creators Update

Written by Muneeb Ahmad ·  1 min read >

Microsoft has just unveiled the next major software update, which is being pushed towards Windows 10. The update is being called “The Fall Creators Update” and it is expected later this year.

The announcement was made at the ongoing Microsoft conference for developers, the Microsoft’s Build Developer Conference, this Thursday. Terry Myerson, Microsoft’s executive VP for Windows while unveiling the update announced that the update will be made available later this year, most expectedly September.

This update is mainly targeting easing the users which use multiple devices using multiple operating systems. Microsoft is employing Microsoft Graph to make moving between different devices easier. Few features that would accompany the new update are the Timeline feature, “Pick Up Where You Left Off”, Clipboard and OneDrive Files On Demand.

Timeline, one big feature that would accompany the update would let the users keep track of applications and other work areas that you were using previously either on the same laptop or any other synced device. Like for example, when you switch devices, Cortana would ask if you want to “Pick Up Where you Let Off”, a simple “Yes” would then open the same application/document for you on your current device.

Microsoft is also introducing a Cloud Clipboard that will enable users to copy content from one device and paste it on a workplace in any other device, irrespective of whatever OS you are using on the second device.

The original Creators Update came earlier this year, in April. Considering that Microsoft is using the same name for this update, it might seem the update isn’t significant. This isn’t quite the case, for we are expecting several new features in this iteration which make this one big update. Many features of this update haven’t yet been revealed so we would certainly have to wait till September this year to see how Microsoft plans about to bring these type of inter-OS device shifts convenient for users.

Image — TechCrunch, Source — Engadget

Written by Muneeb Ahmad
I love to talk about global tech-happenings, startups, industry, education and economy. Get in touch: [email protected]. Profile

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