Have you ever left your computer or your phone wide open for your friends to come up and check your browser history for fun? Well, Google is putting an end to that as users can now put a password on their web and activity page which showed what you had searched for. Hence, only users who know the password can check your browsing history.
To activate this feature, you can head over to activity.google.com and click the ‘Manage My Activity’ verification link and from there on you can select the ‘Require Extra Verification’ option and then save and enter your password.
Without the verification turned on you can also simply just check your activity at the same site mentioned above. However, if the verification is turned on people will have to enter a password to verify it’s you before letting people check your history. This extremely useful for users who work on devices that are either public or simply untrustworthy.
If you’re worried about your privacy then you can also take a look at the kind of activity Google is saving and you can decide the kind of changes you want.
It seems like Google is becoming more hyper-focused towards privacy like their competitor Apple but the fact that Google keeps track of literally everything is something worth noting when the tech giant talks about ‘privacy’.