According to the World Bank statistics, Pakistan has only 11 Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) per 100,000 people. Pakistan has performed poorly on the list of countries on the global ATM index for 2020, with the 11th position on a list that included South Korea (267), Israel (133), China (96), UAE (61), India (21), Bangladesh (9), and Afghanistan (2).
ATMs per 100,000 people
🇰🇷S Korea: 267
🇨🇦Canada: 214
🇺🇸US: 174
🇷🇺Russia: 165
🇮🇱Israel: 133
🇩🇪Germany: 130
🇬🇧UK: 110
🇧🇷Brazil: 102
🇫🇷France: 98
🇨🇳China: 96
🇹🇷Turkey: 84
🇦🇪UAE: 61
🇨🇴Colombia: 41
🇮🇳India: 21
🇳🇬Nigeria: 17
🇵🇰Pakistan: 11
🇧🇩Bangladesh: 9
🇦🇫Afghanistan: 2(WorldBank)
— World Index (@theworldindex) February 23, 2021
For a country whose population exceeds 200 million, out of whom 60% are young people, such a low number of ATMs should comprise a red flag for the authorities. As the gig economy continues to grow and banks continue to operate in a limited capacity due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more ATMs are needed to better cater to the consumers’ needs.
Some of the lowest ATM-to-population scores in the world could indicate an economy that is strapped for cash and banks that are struggling from cashflow issues.
Read More: Banks in Pakistan introduce ATM receipt fees.
Source: World Bank