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6 Subreddits That Will Send Some Shivers Down Your Spine

Written by Techjuice Team ·  2 min read >

Despite us being addicted to social applications such as Instagram, TikTok and Reddit, there is nothing that beats the good old Reddit reading time, where you just want to snuggle up in your blanket and read through some of the most interesting or scary Subreddits you’ve ever seen.

If you’re also like me and are a big fan of reading through some spooky sub Reddits, then this article is for you since here we have brought you a list of the 6 scariest and spooky Subreddits that you would ever come across.

So, grab yourself a pillow that you can hold tightly to, some popcorn if you really like them and get ready to be scared!

  1. r/Humanoid Interactions


Ever seen movies that feature scary human-like animals or monsters? They are interesting aren’t they, but what’s more interesting are people that claim to have encountered these species.

You can read about some of the spookiest humanoid encounters on these Subreddits, or maybe post some of your own experiences if you have some. 

  1. r/Unsolved Mysteries


A lot of people have a hidden Sherlock inside of them, and if you feel like you are one of these people, then we might have got a place for you, and that is the Unsolved Mysteries Subreddit. Here people gather to talk about some of the world’s most mysterious unsolved cases, by collecting facts, evidence and even speculating possible outcomes.

Having around 1.6 million members, the community is pretty strong, therefore if you have something you want to investigate, or want to be a part of an investigation, then this is your place to go.

  1. r/Three Kings


Remember watching movies about those spooky rituals that included pointlessly scary steps and led to the fulfillment of a creepy wish, such as a meeting with a dead friend? If you are someone that’s into rituals like these, then this subreddit is for you.

Its name the ‘Three Kings’ is inspired by a famous Reddit ritual that is advised not to try at your home. According to the people in this group, this ritual can allow people to do things such as meeting the dead, inflicting a curse, or even going into the world of the dead.

  1. r/TheThruthIsHere


We all remember discussing the possibilities of alien existence and what it would be like to see them in real life. Would they be green and thin like we imagine them to be? Or would they look like beings that we can’t even imagine? These are interesting questions but aren’t often discussed, however, this Reddit community will keep you entertained with thousands of discussions about these topics.

Here you will find people discussing the weirdest alien findings and some even confess their encounters with interplanetary species.

  1. r/LiminalSpace


Have you ever slept in a room that just gives off a weird spooky vibe and it feels like something about the place is just not right? This is common and a lot of people experience it on a daily basis, this subreddit is dedicated to rooms like these.

At r/LiminalSpace people share their pictures and experiences of some spooky rooms they have stayed in.

  1. r/CreepyWikipedia


As the name suggests, the r/CreepyWikipedia is filled with the spookiest and creepy stories that will leave you scared even under the brightest sun let alone the nighttime.

People here share paranormal activities that happened with them or someone they know. The in-depth storytelling and writing styles in this subreddit will surely give you goosebumps.

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