Education, News

150,000 more laptops for talented students of Punjab, Punjab Chief Minister

Written by Maheen Kanwal ·  1 min read >
Haier Laptops

Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif reviewed the progress on procurement of 150,000 laptops for the talented students of Punjab, in a high level meeting.

He approved the purchase of latest model of laptops immediately, which will be distributed among the youth on the basis of merit. “Empowering youth by equipping them with modern knowledge is our mission,” he said.

Shahbaz Sharif strictly instructed the personnel responsible for the procurement that no delay will be tolerated and that the whole process should be transparent. He also said:

“With the distribution of laptops, youth of the country is being harmonized with latest demands of present age. It is also helping them become aware of new inventions and changing situation throughout the world.”

CM further added that Punjab government will do everything possible to invest in young talent and will also launch the programs about modern knowledge in order to spread awareness among youth. Effective and immediate steps will be taken to promote information technology as it is the need of the hour. Many IT labs costing billions of rupees have been set up in the province recently.

Prime Minister’s Youth Program is a special initiative launched by the Government of Pakistan in 2013 for five (05) years. The Youth Program comprises of several schemes including Prime Minister’s Interest Free Loan Scheme, Prime Minister’s Youth Business Loans, Prime Minister’s Youth Training Scheme, Prime Minister’s Youth Skills Development Scheme, Prime Minister’s Fee Reimbursement Scheme for Students from Less Developed Areas and Prime Minister’s Laptops Scheme.

Distribution of laptops is envisioned to bring a paradigm shift in the current education and research culture in the country. In this information age, personal computing devices, like a laptop, is a must especially for students at higher education level.

Education can eliminate ignorance and extremism. Chief Minister added that Punjab Government has always taken necessary steps to promote quality education by eliminating the differences of rich and poor. Owing to Punjab Educational Endowment Fund, thousands of under privileged students are studying in various esteemed institutions.

Provincial Higher Education Minister Begum Zakia Shahnawaz, Chief Secretary, Planning and Development Chairman, Higher Education Secretary and concerned officials were present on the occasion.

Written by Maheen Kanwal
Maheen Kanwal is a Tech Journalist at TechJuice. She covers the latest technological, telecom and business related, local & global news. (Reach at [email protected]) Profile