Whether it be a personal blog where you share the happenings of your daily life or it be a fully-professional News/Food blog, the most important thing you need to keep in mind is the look and feel of it. Of course, content is the king and what you put on your blog will decide how much online traffic you get but, you have to know that nothing scares away readers faster than an unresponsive and outdated design. To make a decent blog, you have to choose a good theme first, a minimalistic yet nicely put out theme.
Wordpress has made it incredibly easy for anyone on the Internet to create their own blog and to make it even more easy. Wordpress has an enormous following which leads to an abundance of awesome themes. Yet, finding the perfect theme can be quite a draining task. So we went ahead and compiled a full list of the top 10 best themes for you to choose from.
1. Inspirin
Take a look at this theme and the first thing you notice is the gorgeous bright colours and awesome typography. Along with its elegant design and big bold navigational buttons on the left, it also stands out for its responsiveness and minimalistic look and feel.
This theme is perfect for casual bloggers as well as for people looking to showcase their writing skills.
Mobile-Optimized: Yes
2. Read
“Read” gets top marks for its specifically minimalistic design. If all you want to do is write your heart out in your new blog, this one offers the least distractions and is just the perfect showcase for your typography. The only catch may be the abundance of white space. But if you are one of the people with a taste for extreme minimalism, then this one is the perfect one for you. And due to the lack of any unnecessary bells and whistles, it is extremely responsive.
This theme is designed for the personal bloggers or story writers.
Mobile-Optimized: Yes
3. MyBlog
A photo-focused theme, this one dazzles with its big wide photo-frames and greyish whites. All the components of the theme are designed to bring out the beauty of the photographs.
Photographers or travel bloggers who like to document their stories along with big beautiful pictures are going to like this theme.
Mobile-Optimized: Yes
4. Smart Blog
Aptly named “Smart Blog”, it is really a smartly-designed theme. It has big beautiful photo frames and big content spaces. It is a decent theme for perhaps any purpose and can be used for a wide variety of topics in blogging.
Mobile-Optimized: Yes
5. Boroda
Boroda’s Classic Theme will really appeal to the hassle-free simple bloggers. With its slick typography and sharp frame corners, it manages to keep its simplistic approach, yet appear modern and stylish. There are even handy twitter and calendar widgets in the footer position along with a Flickr Feed.
Mobile-Optimized: Yes
6. The Novelist
This theme is not only unique but altogether different in the most basic aspect. Just like the name suggests, this theme presents itself in the form of a novel and is perfect for story-bloggers. The only thing that could make this more perfect is a page swiping animation, but for now, you will have to do with this.
Mobile-Optimized: It works fine on mobile, but you don’t get the exact novel-feel you are supposed to get like in a PC.
7. Breeze
Minimalistic, responsive and aesthetically pleasing, Breeze is a perfect package. It has some superb visuals and great support for mobile devices as well. It also gives you the option to switch between multiple blog styles, from a regular blog to a three-column blog, and even a four-column.
Breeze has built-in image tagging support which means that your readers can tag a certain part of a picture and comment on it. It has got a rating of 4.85 on ThemeForest at the moment.
Mobile-Optimized: Yes
8. Blogo
Blogo is super-cute. It has a kind of theme that will attract kids especially. There is a splash of color everywhere which is, of course, customizable. The posts also come with big handy date-tags along with a whole lot of other information about that particular article. The theme’s creators say that this aim will be perfect for kids party organizer, kindergarten teacher, toy shop owner, or simply any creative writer.
Mobile-Optimized: Yes. However, it is not specifically optimized but scales down to work fine on Mobile.
9. Calmer
True to its name and true to its purpose, Calmer is a calming theme especially made for blogging. It has no distractions what-so-ever, and just focuses on the content itself. The only problem is that it gets stuttered a little and there is a drop in responsiveness due to the flowing animations.
Mobile-Optimized: No
10. Genie
Genie is pretty much the same as Boroda, but where it stands out is its beautiful thumbnail row on the top, which showcases articles in a dazzling way. Scroll down and you’ll find the normal blogging style. It is a simple personal blogging theme with distinctive typography and clean layout.
Mobile-Optimized: Yes